Determining which conditions within galaxies enhance or reduce central SMBH growth is challenging. AGN variability can wash out underlying correlations between galaxy and AGN properties, while AGN selection biases further complicate the observational picture. I will present recent work that addresses these issues, using deep Chandra X-ray data and stellar mass-selected galaxy samples to...
State-of-the-art cosmological simulations of galaxies and galaxy clusters, such as IllustrisTNG (, suggest a scenario whereby the quenching of star formation in massive galaxies is caused by gas removal from the central regions of galaxies, in addition to gas heating, because of the activity of super massive black holes. The IllustrisTNG project comprises a series of...
The growth history of supermassive black holes is known to be influenced by their environment from the host galaxy to larger scale structure. However, the direct physical mechanisms involved are not fully understood. The wide imaging, depth, and superb spatial resolution of the Subaru Hyper-Suprime Cam Strategic Survey Program provides the opportunity to make significant progress. For...
Outflowing winds are now revealed routinely in Active Galactic Nuclei and Quasars across the entire electromagnetic spectrum and are invoked in many co-evolutionary models to link the growth of SMBH and galaxies through feedback phenomena. Both numerical simulations and observations have shown that the nature of AGN outflows is multiphase, and that each gas phase embeds a fundamental piece of...
We present physical properties (e.g., X-ray luminosity and hardness ratio) of WISE 22 $\mu$m-selected galaxies/AGNs. Using a latest eFEDS X-ray point source catalog with optical and mid-infrared (IR) counterparts, we made a sub-sample of 2102 objects with S/N (22 $\mu$m) > 5.0. After removing possible stars, we cross-identified with KiDS, VIKING (near-IR), and H-ATLAS (far-IR) catalogs, which...
In order to answer some of the major open questions in the fields of supermassive black hole (SMBH) and galaxy evolution, a complete census of SMBH growth, i.e., active galactic nuclei (AGN), is required. Thanks to the combination of the new deep all-sky surveys, such as those by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and the Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) missions eROSITA and ART-XC,...