In a growing number of galaxy clusters diffuse extended radio sources have been found. The radio emission implies the presence of cosmic rays and magnetic fields in the intracluster medium (ICM) on megaparsec scales. An important question is how the cosmic rays are accelerated that produce these extended synchrotron emitting sources. It is generally believed that shocks and turbulence play an...
We present the large-scale multi-wavelength view of the nearby (z~0.05) Abell 3391/95 multiple galaxy cluster system. We have obtained (i) the first deep (~10 ks nominal) large-area (~10 sq.deg) high-quality X-ray data using eROSITA in scan mode during its Performance Verification Phase; (ii) an even larger scale sensitive (~30 uJ) radio continuum image obtained with ASKAP as part of the EMU...
Abell 3391/3395 is a pair of galaxy clusters at z=0.05. The clusters A3391, A3395, and a galaxy group located between the two clusters are in alignment along a large-scale filament. The previous studies by ASCA, ROSAT, Planck, Suzaku, and Chandra indicate and confirm that A3395 and A3391 are connected by the filament with hot diffuse gas. The eROSITA first-light observation of A3391/95 has...
One of the X-ray brightest clusters – A1656 (Coma) – was observed during the PV program for 2 days covering the cluster up to its virial radius and beyond. We will present the results of imaging and spectral analysis of these data and immediate implication for the cluster studies with SRG/eROSITA.
The thermal and kinematic SZ effects provide a strong and independent complement to X-ray observations of the warm and hot ionised intracluster and intergalactic media, particularly at high redshift where X-ray counts are limited. Being observable from the ground, new instrumentation for the SZ effects can be developed more rapidly and can be upgraded more readily. I will discuss a newly...
Previous X-ray studies of the Perseus Cluster, consisting of 85 Suzaku pointings along eight azimuthal directions, revealed a particularly steep decrease in the deprojected temperature profile near the virial radius r_{200} along the northwest (NW). We have investigated four additional Suzaku observations mapping this region, with a total exposure of ~100 ks. With this deeper data set,...