Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Atacama Large Aperture Submm Telescope (AtLAST): A widefield, ground-based complement to eROSITA

Mar 17, 2020, 4:45 PM


Oral Presentation Clusters and Cosmology II


Tony Mroczkowski (ESO)


The thermal and kinematic SZ effects provide a strong and independent complement to X-ray observations of the warm and hot ionised intracluster and intergalactic media, particularly at high redshift where X-ray counts are limited. Being observable from the ground, new instrumentation for the SZ effects can be developed more rapidly and can be upgraded more readily. I will discuss a newly proposed research infrastructure, which has a high profile in the US Astro2020 decadal and Canadian Long Range Plan 2020 submissions as well broad international support, for a 50-meter-class widefield submm/mm telescope capable of observing the multifaceted SZ effect and disentangling it from contaminating radio and dusty submm sources. This will provide 10$^{\prime\prime}$ resolution at 150 GHz (near the peak of the thermal SZ decrement) and a 2 degree instantaneous field of view.

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