In this talk (could also be a poster) I will present a model of how active galactic nuclei populate the cosmic web (detailed in Comparat et al. 2019).
Then I will show preliminary results on the observed angular clustering of point sources in the eROSITA eFEDs PV observations.
The first large area survey of eROSITA unveiled a small set of Active Galactic Nuclei with unusually steep and flat spectral slopes. In the calibration period and the all-sky survey eROSITA also revisited well-known X-ray sources. We report on an automated detection of spectral changes in the X-ray sky compared to archival observations, based on the XMM-Newton, Chandra and Swift archives. The...
One of the most prominent AGNs, the ultrasoft Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1H0707-495, has been observed with eROSITA as one of the first CAL/PV observations on October 13, 2019 for about 60.000 seconds. 1H 0707-495 is a highly variable AGN, with a complex, steep X-ray spectrum, which has been the subject of intense study with XMM-Newton in the past. 1H0707-495 entered an historical low hard...