Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Noncool Core Galaxy Clusters and the Feedback from Their Central Active Galactic Nuclei

Not scheduled




Dr Aysegul Tumer (The University of Utah, USA)


The study of the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) coronae of noncool core (NCC) galaxy clusters and their central active galactic nuclei (AGN) is crucial for understanding the BCG's role on galaxy cluster evolution, as well as the activation of the self-regulated cooling and heating mechanism in the central regions of galaxy clusters. In this talk, I will present the X-ray properties of the intracluster medium (ICM) of a selected sample of NCC galaxy clusters from HIFLUGCS, and their BCG interstellar medium (ISM), along with their central AGN by using archival XMM-Newton and Chandra observations. The methods proposed in this work may have important implications on systematic SRG data analysis of the classification of galaxy clusters, and of the central AGN impact on the formation of large scale cool cores.

Primary author

Dr Aysegul Tumer (The University of Utah, USA)


Dr Daniel R. Wik (The University of Utah) Prof. E. Nihal Ercan (Bogazici University)

Presentation materials

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