The eta Chamaeleontis cluster is a nearby, moderately dispersed star forming region at an intermediate age of 5-10 Myr. Its members are prime targets to study pre-main sequence evolutionary models, accretion properties, disc dispersal and planet formation and are repeatedly observed by major ground and space based facilities. The cluster has been observed by eROSITA in mid November 2019 in the field scan mode. The observed field is centered on the B8V star eta Cha, has an extent of 5x5 deg and an exposure time of 150 ks, corresponding to an exposure depth of about 5 ks.
We present first results from the eROSITA observation of the eta Cha field, that provides sufficient large area coverage and sensitivity to study its members down to stellar masses in the M dwarf regime. Detected sources are cross-matched with Gaia and other datasets to identify and characterize the various stellar populations. For the X-ray brighter sources we perform a spectral and temporal analysis, detail their coronal properties and compare them to previous X-ray measurements.
Presenter status | eROSITA consortium member |