Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Studying the simultaneous X- and Gamma-ray Emission of Blazars

Not scheduled




Blazars show a highly variable emission across the whole electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from minutes to years. The physics origin of this variability is yet unclear, and seems likely to be linked to the underlying particle accelerations mechanisms in the jet. Combined simultaneous or quasi-simultaneous flux measurements at different wavelength bands have the potential to shed light on these underlying physics mechanisms.

We will investigate the high-energy emission of blazars by combining and correlating their fluxes and - when possible - their energy spectra as measured by eROSITA at X-rays (1-10 keV) with simultaneously or quasi-simultaneous multiwavelength data, in particular with the Fermi/LAT Gamma-ray (> 100 MeV) data, for the observed blazars. The compiled source list of promising
blazars, the analysis methods and some early results will be presented.

Presenter status eROSITA consortium member

Primary authors

Dr Werner Collmar (MPE) Prof. Jörn Wilms (Dr. Karl-Remeis-Sternwarte Bamber) Prof. Sara Buson (Universität Würzburg)

Presentation materials

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