Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

X-ray emission from starburst dwarf galaxies: galactic winds and X-ray binaries

Mar 18, 2020, 12:15 PM


Oral Presentation X-ray emission from Galaxies


Dominik Bomans (Astronomical Institute of the Ruhr University Bochum)


Low mass, low metallicity starburst galaxies are of special interest for galaxy evolution, since they are not only laboratories for massive star evolution and feedback at low metallicity, but also the extreme end of energy input into a galacitic potential. In many ways they are the best proxies for the z ~ 6 to 10 protogalaxies, which are inaccessible to detailed observational studies.
The observation of X-ray emission is crucial for understanding the workings in these dwarf starburst in two ways, firstly to map and analyze the properties hot gas in galactic outflows and winds, and secondly as hosts of a massive X-ray binaries population which contributes significantly to the radiation field in these galaxies. In this talk I will present results of XMM-Newton and Chandra analyses of local and intermediate redshift dwarf starburst galactic winds and X-ray binaries and put them into context with our new VLA and LOFAR on the importance of magnetic fields for the outflows and LBT spectroscopy on dwarf starbursts with very hard radiation fields.
I will also provide a outlook toward the use of eROSITA for the large scale mapping of hot gas of galactic winds and the impact of luminous X-ray binaries for the ionization field in low metallicity starburst galaxies.

Primary author

Dominik Bomans (Astronomical Institute of the Ruhr University Bochum)

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