We present an analysis of the X-ray properties of all galaxies within a radius of 200 Mpc observed with XMM-Newton. These galaxies are the result of cross-correlation between the XMM-Newton archive and the HECATE catalogue, the most complete galaxy catalogue of the local Universe incorporating robust distances and stellar population parameters. In our analysis we use data from all objects observed by XMM-Newton (3041 galaxies). The sample spans 5 dex in star-formation rate and 4 dex in stellar mass and includes objects with no formal detections (i.e. upper limits). Furthermore, we perform detailed spectral fitting for all galaxies with adequate number of counts (1713 galaxies), in order to measure their spectral parameters and to identify the AGN in our sample. Using the largest X-ray sample of galaxies available so far, we measure the parameters of the linear relations between X-ray luminosity, star-formation rate, and stellar mass. We find a good agreement with previous works, but the great increase in the sample results in a larger scatter possibly due to age and metallicity differences of the stellar populations. This is an excellent reference sample for eROSITA surveys of normal galaxies as well as AGN. eROSITA will provide a truly unbiased sample for studies of galaxy scaling relations, which combined with the HECATE catalogue will allow us to derive the ultimate scaling relations for galaxies of different types and metallicity, measure their dependence on these parameters, and address the origin of the observed scatter.