Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Predictions for eROSITA Cluster Cosmology and Astrophysics from Simulations

Not scheduled




For a number of the galaxy clusters in the eROSITA survey, there will be sufficient data to obtain a spectrum and determine a spectral temperature. These temperatures, along with the cluster luminosities, can be used to construct scaling relations. We produce mock eROSITA observations from clusters obtained from cosmological simulations and compare the fitted spectral temperature to the temperature obtained from the simulation, as well as quantify the effects of hydrostatic mass bias, merging, and gas clumping. I will discuss preliminary results of this investigation. I will also briefly discuss potential astrophysical applications of discovering new merging clusters in the eROSITA survey.

Primary authors

John ZuHone (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) Dr Veronica Biffi (LMU) Dr Esra Bulbul (MPE) Dr Klaus Dolag (LMU)

Presentation materials

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