Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

The 4MOST Cosmology Quasar Redshift Survey

Not scheduled




Ms Alice Eltvedt (Durham University)


The 4MOST Cosmology Quasar Redshift Survey will combine with the eROSITA AGN X-ray survey to make a powerful survey for cosmology containing more than 1 million quasars. The aim is to extend the eROSITA AGN 4MOST survey from $\approx50$deg$^{-2}$ to 130deg$^{-2}$ over a 7500 deg$^2$ area covering the DES, KiDS and VST ATLAS surveys out to $z\approx2.2$. The main goals are to exploit uniquely deep DES and LSST imaging to compare quasar-galaxy and quasar-CMB lensing with galaxy weak shear lensing and redshift space distortion results, usually in the same volume. These data will then be used to probe modified gravity models via their gravitational growth rate. The high quasar sky density means we shall also be able to compete with DESI to obtain $\approx1$% BAO measurements out to $z\approx2.2$ and to extend these measurements to higher redshift than EUCLID using the quasar Lyman-alpha forest. We shall also exploit completely new routes to quasar Hubble diagrams eg by using stacked reverberation mapping techniques, now combining 4MOST and LSST survey data.

Primary authors

Ms Alice Eltvedt (Durham University) Prof. Tom Shanks (Durham University) Dr Johan Richard (CRAL, Lyon) Prof. Jean-Paul Kneib (EPFL, Switzerland)

Presentation materials

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