The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) started science operation in March 2018. 40% of ZTF observing time is dedicated to two public surveys: one covering the entire Northern sky every three nights in g and r passbands and one visiting the Galactic Plane every night in g and r. In addition to the public Galactic Plane survey, ZTF has conducted a dedicated high-cadence survey of selected Galactic Plane fields to study the ultra-short variable sky. So far we have covered about 4900 sqd. In this talk, I will present an overview of the ZTF Galactic Plane observations and present some science highlights from the first two years, including several new accreting binaries which are ideal for multi-wavelength studies with eROSITA. This includes the discovery of a new class of helium stars in accreting ultracompact binaries which are potential progenitors for Type Ia supernovae.