Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Long term X-ray variability study of AGN with Swift BAT light curves.

Not scheduled




I will present results from a variability study of the Swift-BAT 105-month survey light curves. The variability analysis is based on the study of the normalized excess variance, as a function of luminosity and black hole mass, using the fully sampled light curves as well as 8-point sampled light curves over a period of 4 years, similar to what the light curves may look like for the eROSITA full sky survey, for the majority of the detected AGN. I will also present results from a power spectrum study of the most variable sources, using the fully sampled light curves. This analysis may be relevant to power spectrum analysis that can be done with the light curves that may result from the eROSITA sky survey data in small areas around the ecliptic poles.

Primary author

Prof. Iossif Papadakis (University of Crete)

Presentation materials

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