Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

The hot gas at the edge of galaxy clusters and beyond: from simulations to X-ray observations

Mar 17, 2020, 12:05 PM


Oral Presentation Clusters and Cosmology I


Veronica Biffi (University Observatory Munich (Germany))


The properties of the hot medium at the periphery of galaxy clusters and in filaments connecting cosmic structures carries crucial information on their accretion history and on the feedback and enrichment processes from galaxies. In order to study the details of these processes and the three-dimensional structure of the diffuse baryons in clusters and cosmic filaments we resort to large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, whose predictions can be directly compared against observational data.
We focus in particular on multiple systems of interacting galaxy clusters, obtained from light-cones extracted from the Magneticum simulation suite. I will discuss preliminary results and comparisons with observations of real systems, such as the A3391/95 pair observed with eRosita, by means of realistic mock eRosita observations generated from the simulated candidates. With this strategy, we aim at constraining the l.o.s. structure of similar systems from the X-ray properties, as well as the thermo-dynamical and chemical features of the gas between the member clusters.
Such realistic study of mocks from simulations is a fundamental complementary step given the large statistics provided by the eRosita survey, that can possibly lead to the identification of other candidates and to the study of the low surface-brightness gas at cluster boundaries and in filaments/bridges via stacking analyses.

Primary author

Veronica Biffi (University Observatory Munich (Germany))


Dr Klaus Dolag (LMU)

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