Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

eROSITA and ART-XC observations of the rapidly spinning-up pulsar SXP 1323

Not scheduled




SXP$\,$1323 is a Be/X-ray binary pulsar discovered in 2005 with a pulse period of 1323$\,$s, making the source one of the longest period pulsar known in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Being very close to the bright supernova remnant 1E 0102-72.3, it is often observed for calibration purposes and a large number of observations are therefore available from several X-ray observatories. A period of 26.2$\,$d was observed in the X-ray wavelengths, that was associated with the orbital period, visible as well in the optical OGLE data. Furthermore, a rapid spinning-up of the source was noted in the period from 2006 to 2016, where the pulse period dropped from 1340 to 1100$\,$s, with a |$\dot{P}/P$| of 0.0172$\,$yr$^{-1}$.

We report here the results from the analysis of the recent eROSITA and ART-XC observations of the source performed during the CalPV phase in November 2019. The pulse period, detected with both instruments, is now around 1005$\,$s confirming that the source continues to spin-up at a similar rate. The eROSITA spectral model (an absorbed power-law with a power-law index around 0.5-1) is also consistent with what has been reported in the literature from XMM-Newton data.

Primary author

Dr Stefania Carpano (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)


Dr Frank Haberl (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics) Dr Sergey Molkov (Space Research Institute (IKI RAS)) Dr Alexander Lutovinov (Space Research Institute (IKI RAS)) Dr Chandreyee Maitra (MPE) Dr Mikhail Pavlinsky (Space Research Institute (IKI RAS))

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