Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Calibration of the ART-XC Mirror Modules

Not scheduled




The eight ART-XC mirror module assemblies, including one flight spare, were designed, fabricated and tested at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and delivered to the Space Research Institute (IKI) in 2014. The properties of each mirror module as measured on the ground are presented. The majority of these measurements were made at MSFC's Stray Light Facility using an imaging CCD camera at low energies and a (non-flight) CdTe detector at higher energies. Measurements included imaging performance (point spread function characterization) and throughput (energy-dependent on- and off-axis effective area). Comparison to performance verification phase observations show the ART-XC mirrors are performing nominally and that results of ground calibration can be used to predict in-flight performance.

Presenter status ART-XC consortium member

Primary authors

Dr Douglas Swartz (NASA MSFC/USRA) Chien-Ting Chen (NASA MSFC/USRA) Dr Steven Ehlert (NASA MSFC)

Presentation materials

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