Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

XUV response and filter integrity - results from commissioning and CalPV phase

Not scheduled




Soft X-ray sources such as White Dwarfs are quite bright at XUV energies and therefore can be used to determine the XUV response of the cameras and to check the filter integrity.

During commissioning phase the White Dwarf PG 1658+441 (EUVE J1659+44.0, 30000K) was observed with TM6 on-axis in three different filter wheel positions ("open", "closed", "filter"). The respective offsetmaps and noisemaps were analysed. The White Dwarf was detected only in the noise map with filter wheel in position "open". However, it could not be detected in any offset map.

During CalPV phase the White dwarfs RE J2334-471 (57000K) and GD 394 (EUVE J2112+50.0, 39000K) were observed on-axis and off-axis. Offset maps with filter wheel in position "open", "closed" and "filter" were taken. In none of the offset maps a significant detection of the White Dwarfs was possible.

Presenter status eROSITA consortium

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