Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Searching for high-redshift AGN with eROSITA

Not scheduled



The identification of super-massive black holes at high redshifts (z>5) raises the question of their physical origin and constrains the accretion history in the early universe. Most of luminous QSOs at these redshifts have been found using optical/NIR drop-out selection methods, with relatively few having been followed-up with X-ray telescopes so far. Direct X-ray searches have not yet significantly improved on the number counts. The eROSITA all-sky survey will allow us to probe the X-ray bright end of the high-redshift AGN population. As a pilot project, we have searched for high-redshift objects in the Legacy DR8 counterparts to eROSITA point-like sources in the eFEDS CalPV survey. We report here the blind X-ray detection of SDSS J083643.86+005453.2, a well known QSO, spectroscopically confirmed at redshift z=5.81. The significance of this detection will be discussed in light of predictions derived from extrapolations of the X-ray luminosity function and the eROSITA sensitivity in this field. The work presented here offers a first glimpse of the high-redshift universe as seen by eROSITA.

Presenter status eROSITA consortium member

Primary authors

Julien Wolf (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics) Dr Mara Salvato (MPE) Prof. Kirpal Nandra (MPE Garching) Andrea Merloni (MPE)

Presentation materials

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