Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Supernova Remnant Candidates and their prospects for eROSITA

Not scheduled




Identified radio supernova remnants (SNRs) in the Galaxy comprise an incomplete sample of the SNR population due to various selection effects. ROSAT performed the first All-Sky Survey (RASS) with an imaging X-ray telescope and thus provided another window for finding SNRs and compact objects that may reside within them. Meanwhile, 14 new SNRs were identified in multi-wavelength identification campaigns based on this RASS data (cf. Prinz & Becker 2012 for a summary). The current list of RASS SNR candidates still includes 72 sources. All have a diameter of > 5’, are at a low Galactic latitude (|b| < 15 deg) and have a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 4𝜎. Of these candidates, 44 have an diameter of less than 30′, 9 between 30′ - 60′, 4 between 60′ - 120′, and 15 have a diameter larger than 120′. Additional ~300 SNR candidates are listed in the Green catalog of galactic radio SNRs.
The eight eROSITA all-sky surveys, of which the first one started mid December 2019, will provide a sensitivity for diffuse sources located in the galactic plane of about an order of magnitude higher than what was available in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. It supports to continue the previous SNR identification campaign and to search for new supernova remnants and compact remnants residing in them with un unprecedented sensitivity.

Presenter status eROSITA consortium member

Primary author

Werner Becker (Max-Planck Institut für extraterr. Physik)


Mr Martin Mayer (Max-Planck Institut für extraterr. Physik)

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