Throughout the all sky surveys, eROSITA scans through the Ecliptic Poles during every rotation, and observes regions close to the poles much more frequently than most other regions of the sky. Not only does this ensure long exposure times of AGN in these regions, but it also enables a detailed study of their variability over a frequently and evenly sampled long stretch of time, allowing for a thorough analysis of changes on short, intermediate, and long time scales.
We will present some initial findings of our study of the properties of the AGN located near the South Ecliptic Pole, based on data from the currently running eRASS1. We will showcase an outlook of what this analysis is likely to yield when run over all 8 eRASS.
Presenter status | eROSITA consortium member |
Primary author
David Bogensberger
(Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)
Kirpal Nandra
(MPE Garching)
Arne Rau
(MPE Garching)
Mirko Krumpe
Teng Liu
(MPE Garching)