Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

The eROSITA Near Real Time Analysis

Mar 16, 2020, 11:30 AM


Oral Presentation SRG Instruments and Operations


Joern Wilms (Remeis-Observatory & ECAP)


During each ground station contact of Spectrum X-Gamma, about once every 24h, eROSITA data are telemetered to ground and then immediately subjected to a quick scientific and engineering analysis - the Near Real Time Analysis. The purpose of the scientific analysis done by the NRTA is to identify new transient or strongly variable sources which were detected with eROSITA and to monitor sources that are bright enough that they can be observed in a single pass of the instruments. The NRTA creates automated alerts based on a large set of possible source properties, which are then vetted by the NRTA shift team, which then triggers further observations with other facilities and/or publishes the source information.

This presentation gives an overview of the NRTA setup and operations, discusses what phenomena can be uncovered with it, and gives example results from the first months of NRTA operations.

Presenter status eROSITA consortium member

Primary authors

Joern Wilms (Remeis-Observatory & ECAP) Ingo Kreykenbohm (Remeis-Observatory & ECAP) Philipp Weber (ECAP/FAU) Dr Thomas Dauser (FAU Nürnberg) Sebastian Falkner (Remeis-Observatory & ECAP) Jonathan Knies (FAU) Dr Arne Rau (MPE Garching)

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