Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Black Hole X-ray Binaries

Mar 19, 2020, 2:30 PM



Prof. Thomas Maccarone (Texas Tech University)


Black hole X-ray binaries represent one of the few means available for probing the supernova process, and one of the most useful means for understanding binary evolution under extreme conditions. At the present time, nearly all known black hole X-ray binaries have been selected due to luminous outbursts from their accretion disks. With eROSITA's imaging survey, it will be possible to build up a substantial sample of black holes that have never undergone an outburst, while with its time domain survey, it will become possible to identify some of the faint transient black holes that current all-sky monitors cannot see. I will discuss expected source counts, and means of identification and classification of these objects both from pure X-ray data and from multi-wavelength follow-up.

Presenter status Invited speaker

Primary author

Prof. Thomas Maccarone (Texas Tech University)

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