Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Optical confirmation of eROSITA selected clusters

Mar 17, 2020, 10:05 AM


Oral Presentation Clusters and Cosmology I


Matthias Klein (LMU)


X-ray surveys such as those conducted by eROSITA are a powerful way to identify large
numbers of galaxy clusters. But cluster candidates identified by eROSITA need additional confirmation and redshifts to provide a clean cluster catalog that can be used for science.
Modern optical imaging surveys such as HSC, DES and the Legacy Survey cover large fractions of the eROSITA extragalactic sky and provide depths that are sufficient to identify eROSITA clusters out to z~1.1.
In this talk we present methods and first results of the optical identification of eROSITA clusters.
The main focus of this presentation will be on the confirmation, redshift estimation and measurement of the basic optical properties of cluster candidates found in the eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depths Survey (eFEDS).

Presenter status eROSITA consortium member

Primary authors

Matthias Klein (LMU) Prof. Joseph Mohr (LMU) Prof. Masamune Oguri (University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials

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