Mar 15 – 20, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

First results of the SRG/eROSITA Galactic Plane survey at l=20

Mar 19, 2020, 5:30 PM



Mr Pavel Medvedev (Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow)


We will present the first results of a deep raster-scan
observation of the Galactic plane field, carried out by the
SRG/eROSITA telescope as a part of its CalPV program.
The field is centered at Galactic longitude l=20 degrees and covers a
total area of 25 sq. deg with a mean exposure of 8 ksec. We have
detected more than 2000 individual point X-ray sources,
demonstrating a wide variety of spectral properties, many of them having
counetrparts in GAIA and other optical catalogs. We will
present the log N(>S) - log S distributions of detected sources, their spectral
properties and discuss the overall picture of the Galactic X-ray source population.

Presenter status member of Russian SRG/eRosita consortium

Primary author

Mr Pavel Medvedev (Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow)

Presentation materials

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