2:30 PM
AGN and their host galaxies
James Aird
(University of Edinburgh)
2:55 PM
The AGN content in eROSITA DR1
Mara Salvato
3:15 PM
Simulation-based inference of the AGN population based on the radiation-regulated unification model in the X-rays
Dimitra Gerolymatou
(University of Geneva)
3:30 PM
Hard X-ray selected sources in the first eROSITA all-sky survey
Sophia Waddell
(Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)
3:45 PM
Hyper-luminous AGN candidates in eFEDS viewed with SCUBA-2 on JCMT and KOOLS-IFU on Seimei Telescope
Yoshiki Toba
4:25 PM
The LOFAR-eFEDS survey: Global energetics and feedback as probed by AGN incidences
Zsofi Igo
4:40 PM
AGN in dwarf galaxies: the eRASS1 revolution
Andrea Sacchi
(Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)