Through gas and stars bound within their gravitational potentials, the millions of massive dark matter halos that thread the web in our sky imprint arcminute-scale features across the electromagnetic spectrum. As surveys from radio to X-ray increase their grasp, populations of galaxy clusters grow in size and fidelity. In this talk I will review a simple, functional model for linking the...
The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10-meter millimeter-wavelength telescope located at the geographic South Pole, one of the world's premier sites for millimeter-wave observations. The SPT has been used to conduct several generations of wide-field high resolution cosmic microwave background (CMB) surveys including the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey, the SPTpol 500d and ECS surveys, and now...
The cosmic web is a network of structures composed of dark matter, galaxies, and gas. In this network, galaxy clusters and groups occupy the position of nodes, connected among them by filaments. Connectivity is a measurement of the number of filaments connected to a node of the cosmic web, be it a cluster or a group. Theoretical works predict a relationship between the connectivity of a node...
The X-ray-emission of high-redshift galaxy clusters and compact nearby groups hosting bright, active galactic nuclei (AGN) can be misclassified as point source emission by the source detection algorithms due to the sizeable point-spread function of eROSITA.
In an analogous way to the treatment of the extended source catalog, we search for clusters in the eROSITA point source catalog. For...
Galaxy cluster gas temperatures ($T$) are crucial for numerous cosmological and astrophysical applications. Potential $T$ biases can propagate to several such cluster applications. Thus, it is important to accurately cross-calibrate X-ray instruments to account for systematic biases. We present the first cross-calibration between eROSITA-Chandra, and between eROSITA-XMM-Newton, using a large...
We review recent advancements in the measurement of the weak gravitational lensing (WL) signature induced by the potentials of galaxy clusters onto the shapes of background galaxies. In the context of wide photometric surveys, we discuss how this poses unique challenges and opportunities and how we addressed and leveraged them. After discussing the recent advancements in the measurement of WL,...
In this talk I will present the cross-match of Dark Energy Survey (DES) redMaPPer clusters with the eROSITA All-Sky Survey (eRASS), which offers an unprecedented ~4000 deg$^2$ area of overlap between the DES and eRASS survey footprints. Previous efforts of cross-matching DES RM clusters with various X-ray archives, e.g., the XMM Cluster Sample, resulted in a few hundred clusters detected in...
The SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey delivers an unprecedented X-ray scan of the whole sky, which offers a great opportunity for large-scale structure studies. At the same time, the Subaru telescope is amongst the deepest and most powerful optical instruments, which provides a large selection of optically selected galaxy clusters via the detection of the overdensities of the red sequence galaxy...
The eROSITA telescope is revolutionizing X-ray astronomy with its ability to produce large all-sky surveys. eROSITA will catalog the hot intracluster medium (ICM) of thousands of galaxy clusters. This unprecedented sample of galaxy clusters is crucial for updating our theoretical understanding of the physics shaping the gaseous cores of clusters.
Inspired as a theoretical counterpart to...