In our project, we analyze the positions of X-ray selected AGNs on the
Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich (BPT) diagram using eROSITA data. Previous
results from a sample of 1347 galaxies (z < 0.35) in SDSS DR17 revealed
a significant dependence of galaxy positions on the BPT diagram on the
X-ray/Hα flux ratio. Higher log(X-ray/Hα) values are associated with
Seyfert and LINER categories, while lower values correspond to HII
regions (Pulatova et al., A&A, accepted). We aim to verify this
dependency with eROSITA-selected galaxies. For this purpose, we applied
the NBursts technique for multi-component spectral analysis on IPL2 and
IPL3 SDSS-V spectra within Project 0183. Developed by Igor Chilingarian
and optimized by Evgeny Rubtsov and Kirill Grishin, NBursts technique
has multiple advantages; for example, it automatically corrects for
typical spectral errors and models multiple emission line scenarios. The
parametric fitting includes components for the host galaxy's stellar
population, narrow and broad emission lines, AGN continuum, and FeII
templates. Results will yield best-fitting models, emission line fluxes
and widths. The analysis will incorporate parameters such as black hole
mass based on broad H alpha components, metallicity, and X-ray
luminosity to explore correlations further. The decomposition of the
broad and narrow components for emission lines will make it possible to
find the position of broad-line galaxies on the BPT diagram. We will
discuss the initial fitting results, particularly their optical and
X-ray emissions.