Dark Matter
- Alessandro Cuoco (RWTH Aachen TTK)
Axions and axionlike particles (ALPs) are dark-matter candidates that occur in a variety of extensions of the Standard Model. They couple to photons in the presence of electromangetic fields, making them potentially detectable. Due to the ubiquitous presence of magnetic fields in the Universe, astrophysical sources are particularly well suited to search for traces of these particles.
I will...
I will review the implications of Fermi data for theories of the identity of dark matter, and their combination with data from other complementary probes. I will also preview some of the prospects for probing such models with future data.
High-energy gamma rays are one of the most promising tools to constrain or reveal the nature of dark matter, in particular the Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP) models. The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is well into its pre-construction phase and will soon probe the high energy gamma ray sky in the ~50 GeV - 100 TeV energy range, probing a parameter space of heavier dark matter...
Dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) are considered promising targets for indirect Dark Matter (DM) identification. The (mostly frequentist) analyses of gamma-ray photons originating from dSphs have allowed to set stringent limits on the DM self-annihilation cross-section. Conventional search strategies rely on quantifying the abundance of DM, by calculating the so-called J-factor. This...
Numerical simulations of structure formation have recorded a remarkable progress in the recent years, thanks to the inclusion of baryonic physics effects.
I will present a recent analysis [1] of the sensitivity of Fermi-LAT to detect a subhalo population, built on the results of an hydrodynamical simulation of Milky Way-sized galaxies. The aim is to investigate the effect of baryonic physics...
Axion like particles (ALPs) are fundamental pseudo scalar particles with properties similar to Axions that have been invoked to solve the strong CP problem in Quantum Chromodynamics. ALPs can oscillate into photons and vice versa in the presence of an external magnetic field. This oscillation of Photon and ALPs could have important implications for astronomical observations, i.e. a...
The dissection of the extragalactic gamma-ray background (EGB) into point sources and diffuse components is a valuable tool to search for new physics such as dark matter. In the recent past, it has been shown that statistical analysis methods can excel the sensitivity of classic source detection approaches. In this contribution, we analyze the eight-year Fermi-LAT data between 1 and 10 GeV by...