There will be no display of printed posters!
Thus, please read the following instructions carefully - it will save you a lot of work later on.
Poster preparation for the display at the Fermi Symposium
Posters will be displayed on 42-46 inch 16:9 format screens (Full-HD) distributed throughout the Lower Foyer. The only accepted format are PDF-files. There will be two types of screens:
- Passive screens: We will cycle through all posters, showing one (the first) slide per poster for typically 30 sec.
- Active touch screens: these have access to all posters. Participants can look at the details of each poster, or show details of their poster to other colleagues, including zoom-in into figures or smaller details.
Additionally, all posters will be available for download for everyone's favourite device (mobile, tablet, laptop).
Poster presentations should have the following format:
- a title page with title, authors and clearly displayed main message, which can be text, a figure, or both. This page will be shown on the passive screens.
- up to 3 additional pages which can be structured like a short talk/paper, i.e. with introduction, details of the work, conclusions and references. The first of these (up to) 3 pages should not repeat title or authors.
- Landscape format (16:9) is preferable for all pages.
In order to prepare the display at the conference, we request that posters be send to (see below) by Thursday, Oct. 12, 23:59 UT.
Poster preparation for the proceedings publication in PoS
The proceedings of the 7th Fermi Symposium will be published electronically (only) in PoS (Proceedings of Science) - see the separate Proceedings page. Four pages are allotted per poster. We envisage the following structure of a poster proceedings contribution:
- a separate PDF file as the first page, which is in PoS style and contains title, author and abstract. We will make an attempt that attendees can generate this page from their Indico Abstract page.
- a second PDF file which contains the original pages 2-4 of the file as shown at the symposium. This does not have to follow the PoS style!
Thus, if properly prepared for the display at the symposium, the only work to be done for the proceedings is to split-off the title page, generate a new title page (=PDF-file) from the Indico input, and upload to PoS.
Poster submission
1. For display at the Fermi Symposium (only PDF-files!)
- please, submit the pdf-file to by Thursday, Oct. 12, 23:59 UT.
- As filename, we suggest the format [Id]_[LastName]_[Session], where [Id] is the contribution-ID as given by Indico, and [Session] one of Pulsars, AGN, CentralGalaxy, TransientsGRBs, StellarSources, GeVTeV, Analysis, GalDiffuse, ExgalDiffuse, DarkMatter, SunNeutrino or FutureMissions
Note: your files will be made visible to all participants for download.
2. For the PoS Proceedings
PoS requires a refereeing process. Thus, as with the proceedings papers of the talks, the poster proceedings should be submitted first on the Indico page: we will do the refereeing process within the Indico scheme. Only once you received the OK from the referee, you should submit to PoS.