15–20 Oct 2017
Congress Center Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Europe/Berlin timezone
The proceedings of the 7th Fermi Symposium are available at https://pos.sissa.it/312/



The proceedings of the 7th Fermi Symposium 2017 will be published online in the Proceedings of Science (PoS), the Open Access journal organized by SISSA, the International School for Advanced Studies based in Trieste. Our ID code will be Conf-ID 312. All papers will be peer-reviewed by the SOC, and fully citable (including DOI number). They will be open access upon publication.



The strict deadline for submission of the contributions is October 31, 2017, two weeks after the end of the symposium. Later submissions will definitely NOT be considered! We aim at publication of all contributions by December 2017, so we also ask you to process the suggestions of the referee(s) in a timely manner.

How much to write?

For each contribution, a paper should be prepared with a maximum length as follows:

  • 8 pages for invited talks
  • 6 pages for contributed talks
  • 4 pages for posters

How to write?

Please, consider the following details concerning the preparation of your manuscript(s):

  • It is mandatory to use the style files of PoS, as prepared for this symposium - download the attached package. The package contains templates for both, LATEX (skeleton.tex) and Windows-doc (PoStemplategrb.odt), and a PDF-manual with detailed style descriptions for both templates.
  • For the invited and contributed talks, we encourage the authors to add at the end of the written contribution the questions received after the talk and your corresponding answers.
  • For poster contributions, please use the above style file to prepare the title page with title/author/abstract in PoS style, and attach the original poster PDF-file as shown at the symposium.
  • Once you have completed writing your contribution, you will have to produce a PDF file. This PDF file should be submitted as described in the next section. Neither LATEX- nor doc-file or figures need to be uploaded.
  • Special note: the paper format must be A4 and not Letter. Make sure that your pdf creator is given the proper parameter. Otherwise, the green PoS logo on the title page is partly cut off.
  • PoS allows to submit supporting material like movies or large data sets. We encourage you to make use of this opportunity. For any contribution type, we also allow submitting a video, either pre-prepared, or recorded at the conference. In these cases, the 1-page front-page with title/author/abstract in PoS style is requested.


How to submit?

Once you have prepared your manuscript(s), upload the PDF file(s) here via Indico (under "Paper Reviewing"). Do NOT submit to PoS directly. The above page will also show you the status of the peer review and enable you to communicate with your referee.

What to submit?

  • Speakers of invited or contributed talks should submit one PDF file with proper text in PoS style (plus potential additional video/movie file).
  • Authors of poster contributions should submit 2(!) pdf-files: one with the title page in PoS style, the second being the file as shown at the symposium (possibly with corrections/improvements).


For the refereeing process, the communications will go through these Indico conference Web-pages. Once accepted by the referee, you will get the OK to submit to PoS. The procedure for submission to PoS and the required style-file is describe on http://pos.sissa.it/POSauthors.html.

Note: for the 2-file submission for poster contributions, please upload the "frontpage"-pdf as main file, and the "poster-as-shown-in-Garmisch" as "additional file".


The proceedings editors for Fermi2017 will be J. Greiner & O. Reimer. Contact fermi@mpe.mpg.de for any scientific or editorial question.