9:05 AM
Advancements in Tidal Disruption Events: Accretion Dynamics and Links to Quasi-Periodic Eruptions
Richard Saxton
9:30 AM
Tidal disruption events and other extreme nuclear transients uncovered with eROSITA
Iuliia Grotova
9:50 AM
The radio properties of eROSITA selected tidal disruption event candidates
Adelle Goodwin
(ICRAR - Curtin University)
10:05 AM
Systematic Collapse of the Accretion Disc Across the Black Hole Population
Scott Hagen
(Durham University)
10:20 AM
A systematic study of the most extreme variability in AGN detected with eROSITA
Mirko Krumpe
10:35 AM
BlazEr1: The eROSITA Blazar Catalog
Steven Hämmerich
(Dr. Karl Remeis Sternwarte Bamberg & ECAP (FAU))
11:20 AM
X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions: where do we stand?
Riccardo Arcodia
(MIT Kavli Institute)
11:45 AM
Hubble space telescope ultraviolet observations of a quasi-periodic X-ray eruption source
Thomas Wevers
(Space Telescope Science Institute)
12:00 PM
Lensed QSOs in the eROSITA all-sky surveys
Georg Lamer
(Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik)
12:15 PM
Optical spectroscopy of eROSITA AGN
Catarina Aydar
(Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics)
12:30 PM
Photo-z for eROSITA AGN via Deep Learning
William Roster
(Max Planck for extraterrestrial Physics (MPE))