15–20 Oct 2017
Congress Center Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Europe/Berlin timezone
The proceedings of the 7th Fermi Symposium are available at https://pos.sissa.it/312/

The remarkable gamma-ray flaring activity of CTA 102 as seen by the Fermi-LAT

19 Oct 2017, 14:00
GaPa/2-1 - Konzertsaal (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)

GaPa/2-1 - Konzertsaal


Contributed talk AGN Active Galactic Nuclei


Sara Buson (NASA-GSFC)


In late 2016, the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) observed a dramatic increase in the gamma-ray activity from
the blazar CTA 102. The enhanced state was monitored throughout the whole electromagnetic spectrum and persisted for several weeks, reaching daily gamma-ray fluxes (0.1-100 GeV) as high as 10^-5 ph cm^-2 s^-1. We present the analysis of these flares and discuss their characteristics in the context of extreme blazar flares previously observed by the LAT.

Primary author

Sara Buson (NASA-GSFC)

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