15–20 Oct 2017
Congress Center Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Europe/Berlin timezone
The proceedings of the 7th Fermi Symposium are available at https://pos.sissa.it/312/

Order parameters for the high-energy spectra of pulsars

16 Oct 2017, 11:10
Congress Center Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Congress Center Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Richard-Strauss-Platz 1A, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany
Contributed talk Pulsars Pulsars I


Diego Torres (ICREA & Institute of Space Sciences)


From the hundreds of gamma-ray pulsars known, only a handful show non-thermal X-ray pulsations. Instead, nine objects pulse in non-thermal X-rays but lack a counterpart at higher energies. What order parameters describe the spectral variety, making the pulsars GeV and/or X-ray bright? Can observations in only one portion of the spectra predict detectability in the other? Can we expect a population of MeV-peaking pulsars? We normally fit observational spectra just with phenomenological functions (a power law with a cutoff in gamma-rays, or a log parabola from X-rays up). Here we shall present the results of a relatively simple physical model for the magnetospheric emission of pulsars above 1 keV, with which we start tacking these questions. It is based on synchro-curvature emission, and includes 1D time-dependent particle propagation. The model seems to contain the basic ingredients needed to describe all observed spectra well: With just four physical parameters, we can fit gamma/X-ray pulsar spectra along seven orders of magnitude, providing an interpretation for the appearance of sub-exponential cutoffs at high energies, or the flattening of the X-ray spectra at soft energies.

Primary author

Diego Torres (ICREA & Institute of Space Sciences)

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