18–22 Nov 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone
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Clusters: Data analysis

19 Nov 2024, 11:00
1h 30m
New Seminar Room (MPE)

New Seminar Room


Giessenbachstr. 85748 München


Dr Jeremy Sanders (MPE)


The primary mission of eROSITA is to detect clusters of galaxies in order to measure cosmological parameters. In order to build a cosmological model, we also need well-characterized X-ray mass measurements. Therefore, detecting clusters and measuring their properties is therefore a very important aspect of eROSITA data analysis. We will describe how clusters are detected in the eROSITA sky survey by the standard detection pipeline. Measuring the properties of clusters requires a combination of imaging and spectral analyses. We will discuss the MBProj2D (Multi-Band Projector in 2D), a Python package that simultaneously models clusters in multiple energy bands to measure radial profiles of their physical properties. We will also discuss the accurate spectral fitting of clusters.

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