We implemented the first half-sky SRG/eROSITA upper limit database to provide X-ray photometric data and flux upper limit to every position in the Western Galactic hemisphere. For variable objects, transients, or a large number of sources detected at wavelengths other than X-rays, eROSITA flux upper limits can be crucial to understanding their physical and statistical properties. Thus, the...
Our recently developed Space and Time Algorithm for Transients in X-rays (STATiX, Ruiz et al. 2024) builds upon tools from the image and signal processing fields and in particular the Multi-Scale Variance Stabilisation Transform (Starck et al. 2009) to provide a complete detection analysis pipeline optimised for finding transient sources on X-ray imaging observations. STATiX operates on...
The Early Data Release and eRASS1 data from the eROSITA space telescope have already revealed a remarkable number of previously undetected X-ray sources. Leveraging Bayesian inference and generative modeling techniques for X-ray imaging, we aim to enhance the sensitivity and scientific value of these observations by denoising, deconvolving, and decomposing the X-ray sky. Utilizing information...
The advent of the new generation of instrumentation in astrophysics like eROSITA poses several challenges due to the high-dimensional signals that vary in space, time, and energy. These typically have non-trivial correlation structures and are often a mixture of overlapping signal components that need to be separated. In order to facilitate multi-instrument analysis of correlated signals in...
For a deep understanding of the X-ray universe, it is crucial to rely on complete and accurate information on its primary constituents. These constituents, such as active galactic nuclei, galaxies, and other compact and diffuse objects display distinct features in the sky and therefore imprint differently on astronomical data. In this work, we leverage these differences to construct...