The multiple all-sky surveys with eROSITA on SRG gave a synoptic view of the X-ray sky with high sensitivity and good spectral resolution. Here we present and discuss the sample properties of known cataclysmic variables (CVs) of all kinds. In the publically available eROSITA DR1-catalog, typically 65% of known classified CVs are detected. This fraction rises to over 90% if the stack of all eROSITA X-ray surveys is considered and the search volume is restricted to a radius of 500 pc. We examine the class properties of CVs in various diagnostic diagrams relating X-ray and optical properties (luminosity, absolute magnitude, color, X-ray spectral hardness, optical variability) and establish their mean class properties. ML techniques were used to establish large candidate samples for spectroscopic follow-up, whose initial results will be presented elsewhere in this conference.