We perform individual weak-lensing (WL) mass measurements for 78 eRASS1 clusters in the HSC-SSP S19A footprint.
We adopt an NFW mass model with two parameters, spherical mass and halo concentration, without priors on the mass-concentration and the mis-centering effect.
The mass and richness are tightly correlated.
The resulting mass-concentration relation for 75 clusters is in good agreement with the results of numerical simulations and the previous studies for X-ray selected clusters.
The two-dimensional WL analysis allows us to investigate the distance between the X-ray centroids and the WL-determined centers for clusters with high WL S/N ratios. We find that the distance follows a double Gaussian function with a peak of ~130kpc, and that the mis-centering effect is negligible.
We also discuss the mis-centering effect for poor-fit clusters and the dynamical dependence of mass properties by staking analysis.