Probing Galaxy Group's Properties through Simulated Lightcones for X-ray-Optical Comparisons

Not scheduled
HS 1 Hörsaal/lecture hall 1 (Garching)

HS 1 Hörsaal/lecture hall 1


Technical University Munich (TUM) Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching


Ilaria Marini (ESO (European Southern Observatory) - Garching)


Mapping the distribution of baryonic mass in our Universe down to the group-sized halo masses it is essential to clarify how much baryonic matter is locked up in halos and in filaments. Non-gravitational processes affect the thermodynamical conditions of the hot gas and baryonic content of groups and clusters of galaxies, causing deviations from the theoretical self-similar expectations. Indeed, many observational studies advocate a thermal feedback (such as the one provided by black holes residing in central galaxies) to explain their findings on the hot gas and overall baryonic content. Combined X-ray and optical data can allow us to investigate these features down to group scales, thanks to the unprecedented sensitivity reached by state-of-art telescopes in X-ray (i.e. eROSITA) and spectroscopic optical surveys such as SDSS, GAMA and WEAVES. In order to provide a fair comparison and be able to address the possible observational biases, we design a multiwavelength lightcone extracted from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. We mimic the observational conditions and generate synthetic datasets that closely resemble the observations of galaxies in cluster/group-size halos. The lightcone incorporates the effects of various physical processes, including gas dynamics, feedback and several sources of contaminants. By combining the X-ray and optical properties of galaxies in the simulations, we can explore the hot gas on both large-scale structure and the galaxy population. In conclusion, I will present the results of this analysis which poses the foundations for future studies devoted at addressing all these observables.

Primary author

Ilaria Marini (ESO (European Southern Observatory) - Garching)

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