We report the follow-up observations for hyperluminous quasar candidates discovered in the eFEDS field using SCUBA-2 on JCMT and KOOLS-IFU on the Seimei Telescope. Galaxies whose infrared (IR) luminosity exceeds 10$^{13}$ $L_{\odot}$ have been termed hyper-luminous IR galaxies (HyLIRGs). The IR luminosity can arise from active galactic nucleus (AGN) and star formation (SF) activity. According to the galaxy and supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth scenarios predicted by numerical simulation of galaxy mergers, HyLIRGs correspond to the most crucial phases in which the growth rates of galaxies and SMBH peak. Therefore, HyLIRGs are expected to serve as a vital laboratory for probing the growth phase of galaxy-SMBH co-evolution. The advent of the eROSITA enables us to investigate hyperluminous AGNs systematically. This work conducts follow-up observations for HyLIRG candidates discovered in the eFEDS field (Toba et al. 2022). To estimate accurate IR luminosity and address the dust properties, we observed six HyLIRG candidates by SCUBA-2 on JCMT. For objects without spectroscopic redshifts, we measured them using KOOLS-IFU on the Seimei Telescope in Japan. As a result, we discovered a hyperluminous quasar at $z_{\rm spec}$ = 1.622 with a super-Eddington ratio ($\lambda_{\rm Edd} > 3$) (Toba et al. 2024, submitted). We also report AGN host properties of those HyLIRGs based on the SED fitting from X-ray to Radio and characterize those objects in the context of galaxy-SMBH co-evolution.