MONDAY - July 10
08:30 AM | Welcome remarks | |
08:45 AM | E. Bergin | Opening keynote talk |
09:30 AM | S. Aalto | From the high-redshift Universe to local galaxies (K) |
10:15 AM | Break | |
10:45 AM | T. Greve | Atomic and molecular tracers at z > 6 (I) |
11:15 AM | K. Kohno | Dust, atomic and molecular tracers in external galaxies (I) |
11:45 AM | C. Yang | The rich molecular inventory of high-redshift dusty galaxies revealed by broadband spectral line surveys (C) |
12:00 PM | Y. Nishimura | ALMA Band 3 line survey toward the Cloverleaf quasar at z~2.56 (C) |
12:15 PM | Lunch | |
01:45 PM | T. Shimonishi | Molecular cloud chemistry in low metallicity environments (I) |
02:15 PM | M. Bouvier | Sulphur-bearing species in NGC 253 (C) |
02:30 PM | M. Jiménez-Donaire | Mapping dense molecular tracers in nearby galaxies (C) |
02:45 PM | J.-E. Lee | Astrochemistry in the Milky Way (K) |
03:30 PM | Break | |
04:00 PM | I. Jimenez-Serra | Chemistry in the Galactic Centre (I) |
04:30 PM | S.-Y. Liu | Chemistry of star forming regions (I) |
05:00 PM | A Fuente | The journey of sulfur in molecular clouds (C) |
05:15 PM | S. Scibelli | Early Results from GLUCOSE: the GBT L1544 Unbiased Complex Organics SurvEy (C) |
K=Keynote, KK=Kavli Keynote, I=invited, C=contributed, All times are EST
TUESDAY - July 11
08:30 AM | B. McGuire | Development of molecular complexity (I) |
09:00 AM | S. Widicus Weaver | New techniques in molecular spectroscopy (I) |
09:30 AM | F. Dulieu | Extended conditions of molecule formation on grains (C) |
09:45 AM | A. Ishibashi | Direct measurements for radical reactions on ice: approach to the formation mechanisms of complex organic molecules (C) |
10:00 AM | Break | |
10:30 AM | I. Cooke | Gas-phase chemistry in the laboratory (I) |
11:00 AM | N. Watanabe | Ices and Molecular Complexity (I) |
11:30 AM | J. Noble | Ice structure in star forming regions – new clues from experiments, theory and observations (C) |
11:45 AM | R. Fortenberry | Accurate Quantum Chemical Insights for the Age of JWST and ALMA (C) |
12:00 PM | Tom Phillips in memoriam | |
12:15 PM | Lunch | |
01:45 PM | Y. Oya | Protostars and protostellar chemistry (I) |
02:15 PM | T. Lamberts | Computational astrochemistry (I) |
02:45 PM | M. Bonfand | In depth study of a rich population of young high-mass protostars unveiled by the emission of complex organic molecules (C) |
03:00 PM | Y.-L. Yang | Icy Origin of Complex Molecules in Embedded Protostars (C) |
03:15 PM | E. Artur de la Villarmois | The potential of sulfur-bearing species to trace accretion processes in young protostars (C) |
03:30 PM | M. van ’t Hoff | Searching for Earth's initial formation conditions: Evidence of hot gas around low-mass protostars (C) |
03:45 PM | Break | |
04:15 PM | M. Powner | Prebiotic chemistry and origin of life (KK) |
05:00 PM | Celebration of the career of Eric Herbst |
K=Keynote, KK=Kavli Keynote, I=invited, C=contributed, All times are EST
08:30 AM | M. van de Sande | Evolved stars (K) |
09:15 AM | E. De Beck | Chemical content of outflows from evolved stars - removing the biases (C) |
09:30 AM | M. Siebert | Molecular Abundances and Morphologies in Binary Evolved Star systems: The Unique Cases of RW LMi and V Hya (C) |
09:45 AM | Break | |
10:15 AM | K. Pontoppidan | new insights from the JWST (K) |
11:00 AM | E. Habart, M. McClure, Th. Henning | Solicited JWST talks (3 x 25 minutes) |
12:15 PM | Lunch | |
01:45 PM | Excursion |
K=Keynote, KK=Kavli Keynote, I=invited, C=contributed, All times are EST
THURSDAY - July 13
08:30 AM | V. Guzman | Planet Formation (K) |
09:15 AM | J. Bergner | Protoplanetary disk chemistry (I) |
09:45 AM | K. Furuya | Connecting chemical compositions in the atmosphere and the midplane of protoplanetary disks (C) |
10:00 AM | K. Zhang | AGE-PRO: the ALMA survey of Gas Evolution in PROtoplanetary disks (C) |
10:15 AM | C. E. Munoz-Romero | A MIRI MRS View of Water Vapor in the Disk of AS 209 (C) |
10:30 AM | Break | |
11:00 AM | A. Booth | The molecular inventory of a warm planet-forming disk (C) |
11:15 AM | J. Tobin | The Water and Ammonia Reservoir in the Proto-Planetary Disk of V883 Ori (C) |
11:30 AM | T. Yoshida | Discovery of Line Pressure Broadening and Direct Constraint on Gas Surface Density in a Protoplanetary Disk (C) |
11:45 AM | E. Van Clepper | Chemical consequences of dust growth in Protoplanetary disks: implications for the Solar Nebula and beyond (C) |
12:00 PM | M. van Gelder | Unveiling the molecular gas composition in young protostellar disks with JWST/MIRI (C) |
12:15 PM | Lunch | |
01:45 PM | M. Line | Exoplanets (K) |
02:30 PM | S. Moran | Exoplanetary atmosphere composition and chemistry (I) |
03:00 PM | C. Law | SO and SiS Emission Tracing an Embedded Planet and a Circumplanetary Disk Candidate in the HD 169142 Disk (C) |
03:15 PM | L. Majumdar | Linking atmospheres of Hot Jupiter HD209458b with its formation (C) |
03:30 PM | Break | |
04:00 PM | S. Jacobsen | Formation and evolution of the Solar System (KK) |
04:45 PM | C. Alexander | The Solar System record (KK) |
K=Keynote, KK=Kavli Keynote, I=invited, C=contributed, All times are EST
FRIDAY - July 14
08:30 AM | C. Walsh | Linking formation to exoplanet characteristics (I) |
09:00 AM | M. Drozdovskaya | Link between interstellar and cometary chemistry (I) |
09:30 AM | M. Cordiner | Observations of icy bodies and moons in the Solar System (I) |
10:00 AM | Break | |
10:30 AM | C. He | Planetary and satellite atmospheres (I) |
11:00 AM | S. Milam | Revealing the physiochemical history of comets with JWST (C) |
11:15 AM | S. Wampfler | Semi-volatiles as carriers of stable isotope anomalies? (C) |
11:30 AM | G. Blake | Conference summary and final remarks |
12:15 PM | Lunch | |
01:45 PM | Training session |