Galaxy clusters have long proven to be a valuable cosmological tool: arising from the highest peaks of the matter density field, they serve as sensitive probes of the growth of structures and cosmic expansion. Current and upcoming wide-area surveys --- such as DES, Euclid, Rubin LSST, eROSITA, SPT and ACT --- seek to use the abundance and spatial distribution of galaxy clusters detected across...
Galaxy groups and clusters trace the distribution of the most prominent peaks in the matter density field at late time. Therefore, they provide valuable insights into the growth of structure in our Universe, the nature of dark matter, and, in general, the cosmological parameters that describe the content of our Universe and govern its formation and evolution. The primary science goal of...
Axion-like particles are viable dark matter candidates that would fit naturally in the concordance $\Lambda$CDM cosmological model. As bosonic particles, they form Bose-Einstein condensates with scales determined by their thermal de Broglie wavelength. Due to their extremely small masses, ultra-light axions with $10^{-22}$ eV masses can form condensates on scales comparable to dark matter...
Several tensions are currently challenging the standard cosmological model. Among them, the Hubble constant measured at early times is lower than the one inferred from late-time probes. Additionally, Planck indicates cosmological perturbations growing faster than what is inferred from large-scale structure probes. Consequently, it is fundamental to investigate potential deviations from its...
Recent measurements of cosmological parameters highlight possible tensions between values determined by CMB measurements and those determined by late epoch observations which could potentially challenge the current theoretical model, in particular for the clumpiness parameter σ8 which is related to the normalization of the primordial matter power spectrum. In this project, we investigate this...
To compare the observations of galaxy clusters with theoretical predictions and thus constrain the cosmological parameters of the underlying model, precise knowledge of cluster masses and redshifts is required. We provide a new $Y_{\text{SZ}} - M_{500}^{Y_X}$ scaling relation using a sample of clusters from the Planck Early Sunyaev-Zeldovich (ESZ) catalogue that was observed in X-rays by...