Exploring the Properties of Hot Gas in Galaxy Groups from the CGM to the IGrM

17 Sept 2024, 15:10
HS 1 Hörsaal/lecture hall 1 (Garching)

HS 1 Hörsaal/lecture hall 1


Technical University Munich (TUM) Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching


Victoria Toptun (European Southern Observatory (ESO))


Low-mass galaxy groups are the most common environments for galaxies in the Universe, and they provide a crucial link between cosmology and galaxy evolution. However, their hot gas and baryon content are poorly constrained by current X-ray observations due to their low surface brightness. In this talk, I will demonstrate the efficiency of X-ray spectral stacking as a method to overcome these limitations for galaxy groups coming from the major optical spectroscopic surveys, such as the SDSS, GAMA and DESI, and then observed by eROSITA All Sky Survey. I will show how this approach allows us to probe the temperature-mass relation and examine the shape of temperature and entropy profiles down to Milky Way-sized halos, where estimations from individual data are still not possible. The stacking results from eRASS1 will be compared with predictions from eROSITA mock observations based on hydro-dynamical simulations like Magneticum and IllustrisTNG. This approach not only probes the properties of intra-group medium gas in clusters on scales comparable to our own Local Group, but also expands and validates existing X-ray scaling relations to the very low-mass end. Furthermore, it traces the influence of AGN feedback on baryon distribution in groups, providing insights into their internal dynamics.

Primary author

Victoria Toptun (European Southern Observatory (ESO))


Paola Popesso (ESO) Ilaria Marini (ESO (European Southern Observatory) - Garching)

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