First Results from the SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey: From Stars to Cosmology

International conference

In little more than half a century, X-ray astronomy has established itself as a fundamental domain of observational astrophysics. X-rays probe the hot and energetic components of the Universe, encompassing, among others, the million-degree coronae of stars, the remnants of supernovae, the ultra-dense matter in neutron stars, the immediate surroundings of black holes, the plasma filling galaxy clusters – the most massive objects in the Universe.

The new X-ray telescope eROSITA launched successfully on July 13, 2019, on board the Russian/German X-ray mission Spektr-RG (SRG). After commissioning and a successful performance verification program, eROSITA has started mapping the entire sky at unprecedented depths. Before being placed into safe mode on February 26, 2022, eROSITA completed 4.4 all-sky surveys. As in any other astrophysics domain, the eROSITA all-sky surveys unlock large swathes of discovery space, provide large statistical samples to study various classes of objects, and explore sufficiently large volumes to serve as cosmological tools for the study of the Universe as a whole. Serendipitous scientific highlights include an X-ray flash from a nova, quasi-periodic eruptions, tidal disruption events, and the eROSITA bubbles. The high sensitivity, large field of view, and high survey efficiency of eROSITA are revolutionizing X-ray astronomy: The first all-sky survey includes in the Western Galactic Hemisphere, among others, more than 12.000 clusters of galaxies, 700.000 Active Galactic Nuclei, and 180.000 stars or compact stellar objects. This exceeds the total number of previously discovered celestial X-ray objects since the dawn of X-ray astronomy.

This conference follows the public data release of the first all-sky survey, including source catalogs of point-like and extended sources, images, spectra, light curves, and X-ray photon events. We invite presentations of the first scientific results driven by the international community. We plan to cover the following topics:

  • Galaxy Clusters and Cosmology
    •  Physical properties of distant and nearby galaxy clusters, scaling relations
    • Clusters as tracers of the large-scale structure of the Universe
    • Tests of cosmological models with cluster statistics
    • Theory and simulations of structure formation
  • Active galactic nuclei and galaxy evolution
    • Evolution and properties of the AGN population
    • AGN as tracers of large-scale structure
    • Extreme sub-populations (high redshift, high luminosity)
  • Galactic compact objects, stars, and planets
    • Heliosphere
    • Active stars: physics and population studies
    • Cataclysmic variables and X-ray binaries
    • Isolated neutron stars
    • ULX and X-ray sources in nearby galaxies
  • The Transient X-ray sky
    • Tidal Disruption Events
    • Quasi-periodic eruptions
    • Gamma-ray bursts and afterglows
    • Galactic X-ray transients
    • Gravitational Waves and other multi-messenger counterparts
  • Diffuse X-ray emission
    • Hot plasmas in the Milky Way, LMC, and SMC
    • Circum-Galactic Medium
    • Supernova Remnants
    • Cosmic X-ray background and its fluctuations
    • High-energy physical processes in the solar neighborhood
  • Synergies with multi-wavelength surveys and multi-messenger probes

Invited speakers:

  • James Aird (Edinburgh Univ.)
  • Riccardo Arcodia (MIT)
  • Franz Bauer (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
  • Matteo Costanzi (INAF)
  • Jeremy Drake (CfA)
  • Gus Evrard (Univ Michigan)
  • Juna Kollmeier (Carnegie Theoretical Astrophysics Center)
  • Chandreyee Maitra (MPE)
  • Francois Mernier (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  • James Miller-Jones (Curtin Univ)
  • Annalisa Pillepich (MPIA)
  • Gabriele Ponti (INAF)
  • Katja Poppenhäger (AIP)
  • Richard Saxton (ESA)
  • Eleonora Troja (Univ. Roma)
  • Natalie Webb (IRAP)
  • Irina Zhuravleva (Univ. Chicago)

We hope that the attendees will enjoy the famous Oktoberfest of Munich, which is right after the conference.

TUM Hörsaal/lecture hall 1 (HS 1)
Technical University Munich (TUM) Boltzmannstraße 3, 85748 Garching
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